Samhain by Louise Tilbrook


October 2013
Eden Cottage Yarns Brimham HT
both are used in this pattern
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
34 stitches = 4 inches
in Stocking stitch
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
350 - 450 yards (320 - 411 m)
S (7-8" circumference), M (8-9" circumference), L (9-10" circumference)
This pattern is available for £6.50 GBP buy it now

Samhain (or Halloween) is an ancient Celtic festival associated with bonfires and marks the beginning of winter and the Celtic New Year.

Twisted stitches and intertwined cables in these socks are reminiscent of smoke tendrils rising up from a fire, and also echo the Celtic inspiration behind these socks.

Offered in three sizes, and in either toe-up or cuff down options this sock pattern has something for everyone. If you are a beginner - why not try just a central cable motif rather than the all-over pattern.

I’m not going to lie to you - this sock does have a lot of twisted stitches but I believe that it gives a fabulous definition to the cables and gives fantastic texture.

This pattern is presented in toe-up and cuff down versions - please ensure you download your required option after you have been through the checkout process.