Sylvia Olsen

Sylvia Olsen


SYLVIA OLSEN spent fifteen years buying and selling Cowichan sweaters from a shop behind her home on the Tsartlip Indian Reserve near Victoria, British Columbia where she learned a great deal about the Coast Salish and their famous sweaters. She also listened to the knitters’ stories of life, love, dreams, and disappointments. Drawing on this wealth of experience, and with her own stories to tell, Olsen has written a collection of essays about knitting, design, community, family, and the creation of narratives from both wool and words. Complemented by seven of Olsen’s original knitting patterns, Knitting Stories is inspiring, thought-provoking, and entertaining.

The print edition of Knitting Stories is available directly from the publisher here.

original designs

Salish Fusion Fulled Bag
Sono Nis Press website
Prairie Wool Mittens
Sono Nis Press website
Zigzag Mitts
Sono Nis Press website
The Infinity Scarf
Knitting Stories
Two Toques
Knitting Stories
The Olsen Family Poncho
Knitting Stories
Skirt in the Round
Knitting Stories
Fingerless Gloves
Knitting Stories
Yetsa's Bolero
Knitting Stories
Salish Fusion Fingerless Gloves
Knitting Traditions, Spring 2014
Salish Fusion Toque
Knitting Traditions, Spring 2014