4 Washcloths by Sarah Lora

4 Washcloths

May 2012
Aran (8 wpi) ?
This pattern is available for free.

4 different patterns for 4 fabulous washcloths! Featuring granite stitch, hdc shell stitch, crochet cross stitch, and grit stitch. Everyone in the family gets their own color and their own stitch. This would be great for a wedding shower gift too - just throw in some fancy spa soap and it’s done and done. Or switch the colors up to some fun rainbow ones for a baby shower - add some baby wash, voila!

I used Lion Cotton for these. Lily Sugar n’ Cream would also work nicely for this project.

These patterns will make a 10 inch square washcloth. Because this project is just based on a standard measurement, any gauge, any hook, and any yarn weight will work.

Feel free to sell anything you make from this pattern, just please give me credit for the pattern by linking back to my blog at www.ballhanknskein.blogspot.com