8 Wit en Rooi stelletjie by Maria Knoesen

8 Wit en Rooi stelletjie

Machine Knitting
Thread ?
Baby Angel Doll/Pop or 12 months baby/baba
This pattern is available for free: Baby-angel-wenpatrone-30-Nov-1983.pdf

100 g wit industriele eendraad/ white industrial 1-ply yarn.
klein hoeveelheid rooi naaigaring/oddment of red yarn.
paar meter rooi satynlint van 0.5 cm breed/ few metres of red satin ribbon 0.5 cm wide.

Stelletjie/Doll outfit
Doll wears a white dress with red edging and stripe near the hem, bonnet with red edging and white booties with red ties.

Mevrou M Knoesen van Silverton, South Africa.

Gebrei op ‘n Passap Duomatic 80.
