Big Sister Shawl by Tammy Canavan-Soldaat

Big Sister Shawl

May 2018
Light Fingering ?
US 6 - 4.0 mm
1094 - 1378 yards (1000 - 1260 m)
200 x 155cm without fringe (79 x 61in)
Dutch English

Big sister shawl

A warm, welcoming, hug-of-a-shawl, knitted and fringed in a delicate iridescent colourway. Sister to the ‘little sister shawl’.

Yarn required:
Scheepjes Our Tribe (70% Merino Superwash, 30% polyamide, 100g/420m)
* 967 Simy x 3 balls

24st and 32 rows to measure 10cm x 10cm over stockinette using 4mm needles (unblocked)

This pattern is published in YARN 5, Woman, a Book-a-zine by Scheepjes.

Earlier editions of YARN can be found here.