Dainty Summer Gloves by The Examiner

Dainty Summer Gloves

January 1936
Thread ?
5 stitches = 1 inch
in 5 spaces to an inch, measured over lightly pressed hand pattern
6.5 mm (K)
6 3/4
This pattern is available for free.

Nicer than any others for summer are the open-work gloves that look so fresh and wash so beautifully. The cost of a pair like these is trifling when you make them yourself, as you easily can. Instructions are for a medium size (will stretch to fit up to 6¾ hand). Try the fingers against your hand as you work; it is a simple matter to make them shorter or longer if necessary.

MATERIALS: Two 20 gr. balls of mercer crochet No. 40s. A No. 3 crochet hook, 4 small pearl buttons.