Feather & Foliage by Cat Bordhi

Feather & Foliage

Fingering (14 wpi) ?
32 stitches = 4 inches
in stockinette in the round
US 1 - 2.25 mm
375 - 425 yards (343 - 389 m)
women's sm, med, lg
This pattern is available for $8.00 USD buy it now

This is the 4th sock in my eBook, CAT’S SWEET TOMATO HEEL SOCKS, and it introduces the Padded Sweet Tomato Heel for the first time, with an accompanying video which you may watch here.

IF you would like the full sock collection, please do not buy the single pattern, but instead buy the eBook, which costs $20. The eBook will contain 16+ sock patterns when it is complete; your $20 purchase buys you the current version plus all updates until the book is complete.

A Padded Sweet Tomato Heel curves the traditionally straight columns of heel stitch into a beautiful shell-like cup. I suggest first trying one of the other patterns in this collection in order to appreciate the simplicity of the original Sweet Tomato Heel method. Then, adding columns of slipped stitches to create the Padded Heel will seem natural.

I am always on the look-out for really great sock yarn. It has to be springy (to produce elastic fabric and be ergonomically kind to the knitter), have plenty of twist and three or more plies, and if it also has great stitch definition, it gets an extra gold star. This yarn from Mountain Colors meets all my criteria, and feels marvelously responsive and lively as you knit.

This stitch pattern is a lesser known member of the very large Feather and Fan family. The usual cluster of 3 or 4 decreases at each side of the lacy swags is replaced by a single decrease that consumes 3 or 4 stitches in one fell swoop (tapered needle points are best) to create a lush, foliage-like edging.