Felted Storage Bag by Catherine Christie

Felted Storage Bag

December 1995
Wild and Woolly pure handspun
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
13 stitches and 16 rows = 4 inches
in Garter stitch
US 9 - 5.5 mm


“This colourful and sturdy bag is easy to knit in garter stitch using circular needles. Give it a long, hot wash to transform the knitted piece into felt.”


Main Colour: 500g
Contrast 1: 250g
Contrast 2: 200g
Waste yarn for casting on.

Needles and Materials

5.5mm circular, 80cm and 40cm long
Set of 5.5mm double point needles
Bodkin or bag needle
Stitch markers (5 in one colour, 1 in contrasting colour)
Mesh laundry bag
Dishwashing liquid
Kitchen cling film
Large party balloon
110cm plastic boning


Before felting: circumference 140cm , height 57cm, handles 107cm x 3cm

Finished: 110cm x 44cm, handles 85cm x 2.5cm


You can substitute the yarn in this project for a 12ply pure wool, but it may not felt to the same size. If you use a merino wool it will felt quicker and will need less time in the washing machine. A finer yarn such as an 8ply will create a smaller, less sturdy bag. Avoid using a mix of synthetic and machine-washable wool yarns as they will not felt well.