Joyful Kitties Square 3 by Cherie Marie Leck

Joyful Kitties Square 3

March 2024
Aran (8 wpi) ?
15 stitches and 30 rows = 4 inches
in Garter Stitch
US 6 - 4.0 mm
250 - 280 yards (229 - 256 m)
16-inch Square
This pattern is available for $3.99 USD buy it now

We continue our Joyful Kitties MKAL with Mystery Square 3!

Square 3 features a Calico Kitty. My kids grew up playing with our sweet outdoor kitty, Callie, who inspired this Square.

Our 2024 Joyful Kitties MKAL includes a Quilt style Afghan with 9 unique Kitties and a Matching Pillow.

With my technique of Garter Stitch Intarsia, every Row is knit; no purling back, which can be slow and not as neat. Every WS Row is a mirror of the RS Row so you can knit the WS Row by just following the previous RS Row color changes. Best of all, Garter Stitch makes a lovely and squishy fabric that doesn’t need to be blocked!

Joyful Kitties already available in our Series:

Both Line-by-Line instructions and Chart are included for each Square.

A new Square will be revealed every third Friday, through July 19, 2024. By the end of our MKAL you will have your very own Joyful Kitties Afghan and Matching Pillow!

Be sure to post a photo of your finished Square 3 to your Ravelry project page or to our Group topic, to receive your FREE coupon code for the next Afghan Kitty Square! (coupon sent to your Ravelry Inbox when Square is available)

Suitable for Advanced Beginners, I provide support for your questions and help through our Ravelry group.

Join in our Craft Designs for You Ravelry group: to get future KAL patterns for FREE and let’s knit-along together!