Knitted Stripes Pillow by Brigitte Cornell

Knitted Stripes Pillow

4-ply worsted-weight acrylic yarn (Brigitte used Red Heart Super Saver yarn)—one 8-ounce skein each of Cornmeal, Soft Navy and Bur­gundy
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
15 stitches and 44 rows = 4 inches
This pattern is available for free.

4-ply worsted-weight acrylic yarn (Brigitte used Red Heart Super Saver yarn)—one 8-ounce skein each of Cornmeal, Soft Navy and Bur­gundy
size 8 (5mm) straight knit­ting needles or size needed to obtain the correct gauge
16-inch square pillow form
size 16 tapestry needle