Lazy Lace Scarf by Nicole Snow

Lazy Lace Scarf

June 2016
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
US 6 - 4.0 mm
124 yards (113 m)
This pattern is available from for $0.99.

Nicole says: “Ah yes, even at the ripe old age of 28 my hands will ache after a day of updating the website, answering emails and just plain ol’ typing. I thought it was just me until I got a request earlier this week to produce a simple-easy-on-the-hands scarf that had a lacy effect. Now here by popular demand: The Lazy Lace Scarf!”

What you need

2-100g skeins of Recycled Resolution yarn (this will produce a nice ample scarf that you can wrap around your neck once or twice)

Size 6 needles--this is as small as I would go, but you could use any size up to 13′s that you’re comfortable with or that you grab first:)