Long Kando Fingerless Mitts by Linda Lehman

Long Kando Fingerless Mitts

June 2024
Sport (12 wpi) ?
6 stitches = 1 inch
in stockinette or cable lace (blocked)
US 3 - 3.25 mm
290 - 375 yards (265 - 343 m)
One size fits most, as there's a lot of lateral give
This pattern is available for $6.75 USD buy it now

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For Japanese “Cable-Lace” everywhere, this is a great fingerless mitt pattern for you. There are two distinct cables in the mitt. Both of these cables are both unique and different from each other. Both the forearm stitch and the underside stitch come to us from Japan. If you haven’t tried your hand at Japanese knitting, this might be a good pattern to start with. If you love knitting cable-lace stitches, these long fingerless mitts will be fun for you to both make and wear and will allow you to text, type and knit in style and warmth. They do make wonderful gifts.

These mitts are knit using two circular needles, and the stitches are both charted ONLY. They are a “one size fits most” pattern, and will fit women who range from size 4 to size 14. The thumb gusset is designed to allow for maximum movement.

Skill Level: Intermediate - Intermediate + (assuming a basic knowledge of knitting, purling, cabling, and increasing and decreasing).

The mitts were expertly test knitted by ktbowen18@msn.com, and Fleece Artists BFL Sport yarn was used for the sample.

This pattern is available here on Ravelry and in my Etsy shop in the Knit Mitts Section (https://www.etsy.com/shop/WearableArtEmporium?section_id=…)

If you enjoy the benefits of purchasing E-Books, there are over 60 separate E-Books listed at the bottom of my design page: (https://www.ravelry.com/designers/linda-lehman), and my 5 for 4 discount applies to E-Books as well.