Men's Socks by Workbasket Magazine

Men's Socks

January 1966
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
32 stitches = 4 inches
US 1 - 2.25 mm
498 yards (455 m)
Circumference: 9", Foot Length: 9.5"

Delight the man in your life with a pair of handmade socks. Directions are given for a long sock. However, if short socks are desired, work only 2 inches of ribbing and 4 inches in stockinette before starting heel.

The model was made from 3 ounces American Thread Company “Dawn” Nylon or “Dawn” De Luxe Fingering Yarn. One set of size 1 double pointed knitting needles was used.

8 sts equal 1 inch