Norah's Joyful Sweater and Hat by Meghan Jones

Norah's Joyful Sweater and Hat

Worsted (9 wpi) ?
18 stitches and 24 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette stitch
US 9 - 5.5 mm
660 yards (604 m)
12months, 18 months, 24 months
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Difficulty Rating: Advanced beginner

Norah’s Joyful Sweater is an explosion of color, just perfect for little people with big personalities. Worked with a combination of four colors in horizontal stripes, dotty bobbles and vertical stripes this is loads of fun for any toddler. Complete a matching hat and delight in the joy when your little one is presented with a pair!


12m (18m, 24m) Shown in 12 months

Length: 9.5 (10.5, 11.5) inches
Chest: 24 (25, 26) inches

Knitpick’s Swish worsted [100% Superwash Merino]; (110 yd/50g); color: Bordeaux, 3 (4, 4) balls, [CC1] Sunshine, [CC2] Avocado and [CC3] Saffron, 1 ball each.

1 set US #9/5.5mm 24 inch circular needles

Tapestry Needle, three ½ inch diameter buttons, Sewing needle and thread to match buttons.

18/24 rows = 4” in stockinette stitch, change needle size if necessary to obtain correct gauge.


S(L) shown in S, the S hat would fit the head sizes of the average 12, 18, 24 month old while the L hat would fit a preschooler.

CIRCUMFERENCE 17.3 (18.6) inches

Knitpick’s Swish worsted [100% Superwash Merino]; (110 yd/50g); color: [MC] Bordeaux, [CC1] Sunshine, [CC2] Avocado and [CC3] Saffron, 1 ball each.
1 set US #9/5.5mm double-point needles

Tapestry Needle, Stitch Marker

18 sts/24 rows = 4” in stockinette stitch, change needle size if necessary to obtain correct gauge.