Ridge and Furrow Shawl by fibreworkshop

Ridge and Furrow Shawl

June 2015
Cobweb ?
18 stitches and 26 rows = 4 inches
in chart 1 fully open
US 6 - 4.0 mm
547 - 820 yards (500 - 750 m)
This pattern is available for free.

This is a simple lace shawl that uses a handspun single cobweb weight yarn. Using a triangular construction the shawl is knitted from the top centre down through the main body and the edge is knitted on to the live stitches along the bottom edge.

The main body is a simple combination of stockinette stitch and a 4-row repeated lace pattern. The gorgeous edging is a simple 6 row repeat edging worked along the hem of the main body.
The lace pattern is number 25 from Pitsilised Koekirjad, an Estonian lace stitch dictionary by Leili Reimann. The lace edging is a pattern design I charted from memory of another piece of lace I had seen, but cannot remember its source. If anybody recognises it, please let me know and I can give full credit.

This is a modular pattern. The main body stocking stitch and 4 row linear lace pattern can be made smaller or larger to give a smaller shoulderette or larger shawl as required. The edging is worked on the resulting live stitches so will fit whatever size you desire.

Gauge isn’t vital and neither is needle size. Use what gives you the result you want for the yarn you choose to use. Although correct gauge is not essential for this project, however working at a different gauge will affect both the look of your shawl and the yarn usage.