Round Medallion by American Thread Company

Round Medallion

January 1936
Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

These medallions make lovely decorations for bed linens, towels, luncheon sets, chair sets, and, if made of very fine thread, for handkerchiefs. For a medium size medallion, for bed linens, etc., use “Silkine” Crochet Cotton in size 30 with a No. 12 hook; for a finer medallion use size 50 with a No. 14 hook. For handkerchiefs use size 100, with a size 14 hook, crocheting very tightly. Gem Crochet Cotton is also lovely. For use with coarse linen, nothing is lovelier than De Luxe or Gem Ready-Shrunk Mercerized Cotton, and with these use a No. 7 hook.