Sea Dress by Pope Vergara

Sea Dress

June 2023
Lace ?
15 stitches and 20 rows = 4 inches
in Stockinette stitch
US 8 - 5.0 mm
1045 - 2325 yards (956 - 2126 m)
Finished bust measurements: 1 (2, 3, 4) (5, 6, 7) = 32½ (34½, 38¾, 41) (47¼, 51¼, 53½)” / 82.5 (88, 98.5, 104) (120, 130.5, 136) cm
English Japanese
This pattern is available for $8.00 USD buy it now

Lace weight yarn
(MC) Approximately 420 (460, 560, 640) (790, 925, 1000) yards / 385 (420, 515, 585) (725, 845, 915) m
(CC1) Approximately 125 (140, 165, 180) (215, 240, 265) yards / 115 (130, 150, 165) (195, 220, 245) m
(CC2) Approximately 125 (140, 165, 180) (215, 240, 265) yards / 115 (130, 150, 165) (195, 220, 245) m
(CC3) Approximately 125 (140, 165, 180) (215, 240, 265) yards / 115 (130, 150, 165) (195, 220, 245) m
(CC4) Approximately 125 (140, 165, 180) (215, 240, 265) yards / 115 (130, 150, 165) (195, 220, 245) m
(CC5) Approximately 125 (140, 165, 180) (215, 240, 265) yards / 115 (130, 150, 165) (195, 220, 245) m
Isager Silk Mohair (75% kid mohair, 25% silk; 232 yards / 212 m, 25g)
Sample is shown in (MC) E0: 2 (2, 3, 3) (4, 4, 5) skeins, (CC1) 66: 1 (1, 1, 1) (1, 2, 2) skeins, (CC2) 67: 1 (1, 1, 1) (1, 2, 2) skeins, (CC3) 41: 1 (1, 1, 1) (1, 2, 2) skeins, (CC4) 44: 1 (1, 1, 1) (1, 2, 2) skeins, (CC5) 100: 1 (1, 1, 1) (1, 2, 2) skeins.

A US 8 (5.0 mm) 24” / 60 cm (or longer) circular needle
Or, needles required to obtain gauge.

Gauge (after blocking)
15 stitches & 20 rows = 4”/10 cm in St st, worked flat with US 8 (5.0 mm) needle
17 stitches & 23 rows = 4”/10 cm in St st, worked in the round with US 8 (5.0mm) needle
Note: Ensure you achieve accurate gauge as you will be working both flat and in the round.

Finished bust measurements: 1 (2, 3, 4) (5, 6, 7) = 32½ (34½, 38¾, 41) (47¼, 51¼, 53½)” / 82.5 (88, 98.5, 104) (120, 130.5, 136) cm The sample is in size 2 on 5’ 5” / 165 cm tall model with 2¼“ / 6 cm positive ease at bust.

Toho beads, 6/0, square, color gold: 10 (14, 16, 20) (24, 26, 28) g (The amount needed varies depending on the size of the beads), stitch markers (1), tapestry needle, waste yarn, 0.65 mm crochet hook

Skill Level

Dress is worked from the top down, with a color gradient and beads placed with a crochet hook. The front and back are worked flat to the underarm. Then they are joined to work the body in the round, and split again for the lower body. Straps and armhole edges are worked in I-cord.

Click here to purchase the kit.

Lace weight yarn
(MC) 約 420 (460, 560, 640) (790, 925, 1000) yards / 385 (420, 515, 585) (725, 845, 915) m
(CC 1) 約 125 (140, 165, 180) (215, 240, 265) yards / 115 (130, 150, 165) (195, 220, 245) m
(CC 2) 約 125 (140, 165, 180) (215, 240, 265) yards / 115 (130, 150, 165) (195, 220, 245) m
(CC 3) 約 125 (140, 165, 180) (215, 240, 265) yards / 115 (130, 150, 165) (195, 220, 245) m
(CC 4) 約 125 (140, 165, 180) (215, 240, 265) yards / 115 (130, 150, 165) (195, 220, 245) m
(CC 5) 約 125 (140, 165, 180) (215, 240, 265) yards / 115 (130, 150, 165) (195, 220, 245) m
Isager Silk Mohair (75% kid mohair, 25% silk; 232 yards / 212 m, 25g)
サンプル色は (MC) E0: 2 (2, 3, 3) (4, 4, 5)カセ, (CC1) 66: 1 (1, 1, 1) (1, 2, 2)カセ, (CC2) 67: 1 (1, 1, 1) (1, 2, 2)カセ, (CC3) 41: 1 (1, 1, 1) (1, 2, 2)カセ, (CC4) 44: 1 (1, 1, 1) (1, 2, 2)カセ, (CC5) 100: 1(1, 1, 1) (1, 2, 2)カセ.

1×US 8 (5.0 mm) 60 cm (またはそれ以上の長さ) の輪針
または, ゲージが取れる太さの針

Gauge (ブロッキング後)
US 8 (5.0 mm) の針を使用し往復編みのメリヤス編みで15目 & 20段 = 10 cm
US 8 (5.0 mm) の針を使用し輪編みのメリヤス編みで17目 & 23段 = 10 cm
Note: 往復編みと輪編みの部分があるため両方のゲージを記載している

出来上がり寸法 (胸囲): 1 (2, 3, 4) (5, 6, 7) = 82.5 (88, 98.5, 104) (120, 130.5, 136) cm
サイズ2のサンプルを身長165 cmのモデルが余裕6 cmで着用

トーホー四角ビーズ4 mm (ゴールド): 10 (14, 16, 20) (24, 26, 28) g (ビーズの大きさにより必要な量が異なる), 目数マーカー (1), とじ針, ステッチホルダーまたは別糸, 0.65 mmのカギ針

Skill Level

トップダウンで前後別々に往復編みで脇下まで編み, 輪編みに変えて裾まで編む. 身頃裾は途中から前後を分け往復編みに変えるため両サイドはスリットになっている. アームホールの端はI-cordになっており, 肩ひももI-cordを編む.
