Shell Stitch Pullover by Brenda York

Shell Stitch Pullover

January 1994
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
Shells and DCs as in pattern
3.75 mm (F)
1504 - 1598 yards (1375 - 1461 m)
8-10, 12-14, 16-18

Pullover crocheted in a shell stitch pattern using worsted weight cotton. Finished sizes are 40”, 44” and 48”.

The stitch gauge is measured as 2 shells + 2 dcs = 2”.
The row gauge is 9 rows = 4” in shell stitch.

Length is listed as 23-24-25” including border edging.

Pattern calls for 16-16-17 skeins of Berroco American Cotton yarn.