Slip Stitch Swing Dress by Meghan Jones

Slip Stitch Swing Dress

Worsted (9 wpi) ?
18 stitches and 24 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette
US 8 - 5.0 mm
984 - 1148 yards (900 - 1050 m)
2T, 4T, 6, 8,
This pattern is available from for $5.99.

2T (4T, 6, 8); Shown in size 4T

A perfect dress for summer the slip stitch swing dress is cool in cotton and has enough flare for perfect twirling every time.

Chest: 24 (26, 28, 30)”
Neck to Hem Length: 24.25 (25, 26.25, 28.25)”

Knitpick’s Simply Cotton [100% Organic cotton; 164yd/100g balls]; color: [MC] Duchess 3 (3, 4, 4) skeins; [CC1] Limeade, [CC2] Magenta, [CC3] Marshmallow, 1 skein each.

1 US #8/5mm 24 inch circular needle
1 set US #8/5mm DPNS (only require two needles from set)

Spare yarn for holding stitches, at least a 40 inch piece. Tapestry needle, stitch markers.

18sts/24 rows = 4” in stockinette stitch

This dress is worked from the bottom up with a combination of triangles created with short rows and rectangles knit onto the angled side of the triangle.

Stitches are cast on for the height of the triangle, the piece is worked flat back and forth vertically with short rows to gradually diminish the row and create the angle. When all stitches have been wrapped and turned the bottom of the rectangle is cast on and worked back and forth horizontally absorbing wrapped sts from the triangle and joining the two shapes. The live sts at the top of a finished rectangle are left on a holder to be picked up later and worked in the round for the body of the dress.

The triangles and collar require the use of intarsia technique for the MC edging. The triangles will only require one ball of MC to be attached but the collar will require one on each side of the work.