Sweet Coriolis Socks by Cat Bordhi

Sweet Coriolis Socks

DK (11 wpi) ?
30 stitches = 4 inches
in stockinette stitch
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
262 - 405 yards (240 - 370 m)
see below
This pattern is available for $8.00 USD buy it now

This is a fresh new take on my Coriolis architecture, which first appeared in my book, New Pathways for Sock Knitters. This design offers a menu of choices for the leg: a diagonal ribbing can follow the Coriolis band from ankle to cuff, or the diagonal ribbing can begin later, a few inches before the top of the leg. For a Sweet Coriolis in its purest form, omit the rib altogether.

I think the Sweet Tomato Heel offers the best of all foundations for the Coriolis design and am very pleased to offer this new variation.

This is the ninth sock in my eBook, Cat’s Sweet Tomato Heel Socks. You may buy the whole eBook for $20 or buy single sock patterns for $8 each. The final sock will not be released singly; only available in the eBook. The eBook can be put on any electronic device you have which will accept PDFs (computer, iPad, Nook, Kindle, iPhone, etc).

Sizes: woman’s sm (med, lg; man’s med, lg). Finished circumference: 7 (71/2, 8; 9, 10)” or 18 (19, 20; 23, 25) cm. To allow for stretch, these measurements are about 15% smaller than actual circumference just above the ball of the foot.

Errata: On page 7, under “First Sock Companion Rounds,” Round 2 should read: Starting at D, k2, kfb, repeat (k4, p2) until 7 sts remain before D, k4, p1, k2tog.