Tennis Shorts and Striped Top for Men by Peggy Chester

Tennis Shorts and Striped Top for Men

January 1966
Light Fingering ?
US 2 - 2.75 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
12" Male Fashion Doll

Yarn: Sport weight for the shorts, fingering weight for the top; no amount given

Gauge: none given

Needles: double-points or circulars are needed for the top, due to the construction method (some of the rows are worked without turning)

Additional Materials: one snap

Construction: The shorts are knit flat and seamed, with a front opening with a snap. The top is knit flat, from the lower front edge to the lower back edge, with the sleeve cuffs picked up and knit.

Sized for a Ken-type doll with the 1960s figure: 6.25”/4.5”/5.125”. Fit may vary on modern dolls.