Thalassa by Meghan Jones


Yarns of Italy Crespo
Sport (12 wpi) ?
22 stitches and 22 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette on US 7/ 4.5mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
900 - 1680 yards (823 - 1536 m)
34 (38, 42, 46, 50, 54, 58) inches bust circumference
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Thalassa is named for the Sea Goddess of Greek legend, who literally is the personification of the Mediterranean Sea. Simple lace patterns and triple-wrapped stitches create an airy sea foam pattern and shaping in this pullover tunic.

Chest: 34 ( 38, 42, 46, 50, 54, 58)”
Length: 32.5 ( 33, 33.75, 33.75, 34.25, 34.25, 34.75)”

Yarns of Italy, Crespo [60% viscose from Bamboo, 40% Hemp]; 900 ( 980, 1140, 1210, 1362, 1510, 1608) yards total

1 US 8/5mm 32 inch circular needle
1 US 7/4.5mm 32 inch circular needle
1 US 6/4 mm 32 inch circular needle
2 US 7/4.5mm DPNs for i-cord tie

Change needle size if necessary to obtain correct gauge, larger sizes may be worked on 47 inch circular needle if desired

Tapestry needle, stitch markers, stitch holders or
waste yarn

22sts /22rows = 4 inches square in stockinette stitch on US 7/4.5mm needles, in the round after blocking. (The needles required to obtain this gauge will be referred to in the pattern as “gauge needle”)

12sts =4 inches over triple yarnover lace pattern on US 8/5mm needles

14sts = 4 inches over eyelet sleeves on US 7/4.5mm for sizes 34 ( 38, 42, 46, 50)

16sts = 4 inches over eyelet sleeves on US 6/ 4mm for sizes 50, 54, and 58.

This tunic is worked from the bottom up in the round. Shaping is worked by changing needle sizes and stitch patterns to manipulate gauge. Several gauges have been indicated for different areas in this pattern but the most important for bust fit is 22sts / 22 rows= 4 inches in stockinette stitch on US 7/ 4.5mm needles.

After completion of the skirt, short rows are worked to create ease for the bust. The armholes are slit openings without any stitches bound-off, and the two halves of the front and the back are worked separately to the shoulders. The bodice top has an eyelet pattern that is worked on smaller needles for the 3 largest sizes. The front edges decrease dramatically for a deep v-neckline and the eyelet pattern biases slightly for a lovely draped fabric. Garment should have 2-3 inches positive ease around the bust. Sample shown is 34 inches finished circumference with 2 inches positive ease.