Cindy Carlson

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Containers
Fantastic gift to give with a gift.
Crochet: Containers
A wonderful way to give a gift to a loved one.
Crochet: Containers
The perfect way to place a gift on the tree. The package becomes part of the wonderful gift.
Crochet: Scarf
Crochet: Cloche Hat, Scarf
Fun pattern which works up fast. Pattern uses hdc, post stitches, and bullion stitches.
Crochet: Dress, Shawl / Wrap
This is not a normal pattern but a guide to get the exact fit for your body!
Crochet: Hats - Other, Fingerless Gloves, Legwarmers, Cowl
You decide the length, width, hook size, yarn, & the finished size of this wonderful set. With a few easy measurements you can have a fantastic personal fit.
Crochet: Food Cozy
Fun and quick gifts that can be used as finger puppets after the sucker is gone.
Crochet: Beanie, Toque, Shawl / Wrap
Crochet: Beanie, Toque
This is mostly crochet with a knit ribbing. It uses a small amount of 3 yarns to make. What a nice way to say I am thinking of you for the holidays.
Crochet: Brimmed Hat
Beautiful shell stitches and the use of a small amount of SWTC Bamboo Feather makes this chemo hat special.
Crochet: Beanie, Toque
Made for a dear friend starting her chemo on her 53 birthday.
Crochet: Beanie, Toque
Great gift for the lady going through Chemo.
Crochet: Necklace, Earrings
A beautiful set crocheted with Bamboo yarn and silver wire. The random beads add some fun to the project. Works up very fast and is so easy a beginner can do it. This is a one skein project that will make many sets. No need for gauge on this one.
Crochet: Beanie, Toque
One of my patterns from the 2006 Crochet pattern-a-day calendar.
Crochet: Scarf
One of my patterns from 2006 Crochet pattern-a-day calendar.
Crochet: Beanie, Toque
This was made with a prize package I won from Lisa Gentry. The finished items will go to charity.
Crochet: Containers, Coaster
example used Twilleys Lyscordet which is no longer available
Crochet: Throw
With basic black and lots of scraps you can have a wonderful and warm afghan. It is the perfect way to use up some stash.
Crochet: Scarf
The simplest stitches mixed with fantastic yarn and hip accents make this set a great gift for those going back to school.
Crochet: Afghan block
For those who like the hole in the knitted miter this one is for you. This pattern has not been tested so please let me know if you find a problem so I can fix it.
Crochet: Afghan block
Love knit miters but only crochet. Here is the pattern for you. Use any yarn and any hook to make any size you want. This pattern is not tested so please let me know if you have any problems so I can fix them.
Crochet: Scarf
This was designed for the 2009 special olympics using red heart yarn but would work with any type of yarn. It makes a great belt, earrings, necklace and just about any thing else just by changing the yarn size and amount of flowers made.
Crochet: Pillow / Cushion
This is the perfect quick, 1 skein pillow to take along to chemo treatments. Make several and donate to your local cancer treatment center. To use pillow, place at the back of neck or in the small of the back during those long hours of treatments or travel.
Crochet: Cowl
Oh so pretty and easy to make and take to chemo treatments or on the go. It buttons around the neck so you can continue to move while wearing it and has 2 inserts, one for hot and one for cold. Made of organic cotton and milk fiber for that extra soft touch!