Mary-Lou Quick

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
You can use any yarn that takes your fancy for this, as the pattern is more about stash-busting, and how to estimate the size of the finished triangle.
Knitting: Scarf
Direct .pdf download: Moebius Scarf.
Crochet: Scarf
Direct .pdf download: Crochet Curly Whirly Scarf.
Knitting: Scarf
Description from
Knitting: Applique / Embellishment
A flower for your hair, or your jacket, or a bag … make a whole bouquet even!
Knitting: Beret, Tam
You will also need a 5mm crochet hook for the decorative edging.
Knitting: Scarf
A stash-buster Scarf that took 2nd prize in Simply Knitting magazine’s scarf competition in 2006.
Knitting: Scarf
Use up your stash …!
Knitting: Coat / Jacket
A sleeveless waistcoat in a fun fur yarn. Any similar long eyelash can be substituted, eg Sirdar Foxy