Crime Scene Fingering from The Homestead Hobbyist

Crime Scene Fingering

from The Homestead Hobbyist
Light Fingering ?
460 yards
(421 meters)
100 grams
(3.53 ounces)
US 1 - 4 or 2.25 - 3.5mm
37% Wool - Merino
37% Wool - Shetland
25% Silk - Bombyx / Cultivated / Mulberry
Care: Hand Wash
Color: Heathered
Ply: 3-ply

The Crime Scene Collection is a series of heathered Savage Blends with superfine 18.5 micron Merino/Shetland/Mulberry Silk 37.5/37.5/25.

Current colorways in DK are Bloodstain (red); Suit Up, It’s A Mess In There (maroon); Murder Weapon (purple); Eye Witness (blue); Tire Tracks (charcoal); Deputy (light brown); and Chalk Outline (white).