About Ravelry
Ravelry is an inclusive, friendly website for knitters, crocheters, spinners, weavers, and dyers. We are made up of millions of yarn lovers from all over the world. Ravelry provides a personal notebook for fiber artists to keep track of their projects, yarns & fibers, tools, and pattern library, a rich database of patterns and yarns, and a community with thousands of forums and groups to connect with other Ravelers over any interest you could think of.
Everything on Ravelry is user-driven: we all help to make the site useful and fun. We are happy you are here! There are three main areas of Ravelry for you to explore:
The Database
Your Notebook
Our Community
Our Team

Jessica — Founder, Mama Rav
Jessica's love of fiber crafts, community, and organization inspired the creation of Ravelry! She knits, crochets, spins, sews, gardens, bikes, and reads voraciously. Jess lives in Massachusetts with her wife Cassidy, their two children, and her canine sidekick George.

Cassidy — Founder, Coder
Cassidy codes Ravelry. She wrote the first line of code in October of 2006 and she wrote the latest line of code this week. She likes to cook, make art + code creatively, go to rock shows, and read graphic novels.

Mary Heather — VP of Operations, Do-Gooder
Mary Heather helps fiber businesses share their cool stuff with the Ravelry community. She's a lifelong enthusiastic crafter, and in addition to fiber and fabric arts enjoys cooking, hiking, and jammin' on her planner. She lives in New Mexico with her husband and toddler son.

Sarah — Community Support Specialist, Hostess with the Mostest
Sarah helps Ravelers when they need it with things like logging in and downloading patterns. She knits, crochets, weaves, spins, quilts…and rarely says no to a new crafty endeavor. She lives outside of Houston, TX with her two boys.