American Thread Company
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Edge #5 Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 28
Edge #8 Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 24
Edging Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 13
Edging Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 37
Edging #1 Star Book No. 179, Doilies, Tablecloths, Bedspreads Edgings January 1962 1 35
Edging #7 Star Book No. 179, Doilies, Tablecloths, Bedspreads Edgings January 1962 3 80
Edging and Insertion Star Book No. 4, Star Book of Knitted and Crocheted Bedspreads January 1936 2 115
Edging No 1871 Dover Needlework Series, Traditional Edgings to Crochet January 1987 1 5
Edging No 1872 Dover Needlework Series, Traditional Edgings to Crochet January 1987 1 3
Edging no 2 Star Book No. 208, You Asked for These January 1970 1 50
Edging No. 6601 Dover Needlework Series, Traditional Edgings to Crochet January 1949 1 19
Edging with Matching Insertion Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 1 19
Edging with Matching Insertion Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 15
Edging with Matching Insertion Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 9
Edging with Matching Insertion Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 14
Edging with Matching Insertion Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 12
Edging with Matching Insertion Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 18
Edging with Matching Insertion Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 10
Edging with Matching Insertion Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 8
Edging with Matching Insertion Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 18
Edging with Matching Insertion Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 13
Edging with Matching Insertion Star Book No. 3, Star Book of Crochet Edgings-Insertions and Medallions January 1936 28
Eight Point Star Doily Star Book No. 91, Sparkling White Doilies January 1952 53 774
Elegance Shawl Star Book No. 103, Stoles and Shrugs January 1953 1 26
Elephant Star Book No. 90, The Big Top in Crochet January 1952 1 98