Elizabeth Mareno

Elizabeth Mareno

original designs

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Pokemon Torchic Look-alike Toy
Bizzy Crochet and Design Website
Pokemon Pikachu Look-alike Toy
Bizzy Crochet and Design Website
Rocket and Astronauts With Aliens
Bizzy Crochet on Ravelry
X's and O's Baby Blanket
Bizzy Crochet and Design Website
Whimsical Castle Bag
Bizzy Crochet and Design Website
Medallion Sampler Afghan
Lion Brand Yarn website
Evening Dress w/Shawl- 18" Doll
Bizzy Crochet and Design Website
Cargo Skirt Outfit w/ Backpack- 18" Doll
Bizzy Crochet and Design Website
pikachu guy
Bizzy Crochet and Design Website
Weather Resistant Clothespin Bag
Bizzy Crochet and Design Website
Sampler Scarf
Bizzy Crochet and Design Website
Frog Hat
Bizzy Crochet and Design Website
dooger and frog hat 2
  • Frog Hat
  • Bizzy Crochet and Design Website
Felted Fall Leaf Pillow
Bizzy Crochet and Design Website
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