Julie Knits in Paris

Julie Knits in Paris

Julie Dubreux is a French knitwear designer and knitting instructor. Her enthusiastic love for the knitting community translates into colourful collaborations with indie dyers from all around the world. Her designs have been published in Pom Pom Quarterly, Laine and Knit Now.

Fully bilingual (English-French)



original designs

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Spring Frost
Julie Knits In Paris
Julie Knits In Paris
Gokstad Hat DK
Julie Knits In Paris
My Favorite Things: a knitted celebration of The Sound of Music
  • Lovely
  • My Favorite Things: a knitted celebration of The Sound of Music
My Favorite Things: a knitted celebration of The Sound of Music
  • Confidence
  • My Favorite Things: a knitted celebration of The Sound of Music
Gokstad Shawl
Julie Knits In Paris
Gokstad Hat
Oslo Strikkefestival Magazine 2016
Naked Dandy
Julie Knits In Paris
Born Naked
Julie Knits In Paris
Cosmic Dandy
Julie Knits In Paris
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