Lee Sartori

Lee Sartori

Lee Sartori is the crochet designer behind CoCo Crochet Lee. Author of four books, you can find ‘A Modern Guide to Textured Crochet’, as well as ‘Harry Potter Crochet Wizardry’ available now, and ‘Pokemon Crochet Volume 2’, and ‘Friends: The One With Crochet’ in 2023. She can be seen as a guest host on the popular PBS/CreateTV Show Knit and Crochet Now, as well as a cast member of Annie’s Creative Studio where she demonstrates fun crochet skills and patterns. Lee’s passion is designing modern, wearable garments, and adorable amigurumi. Lee lives in Halifax, Canada with her two children Emma-Noël and Conan, her amazing husband Sean, her adorable bunny Neville Longbottom, and two cats Ginny, and Toast. You can find her work on her blog and on social media, where she posts fun, and whimsical takes on crochet.

original designs

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Lee's Little Pumpkin
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Nutmeg the Deer
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #42, September 2017
Autumn Shore Handbag
Pattern Pack Pro | 36 | September 2017 | Clutches and Handbags
Lakeside Cardigan
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Garden Party Top
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Sakura the Cherry Blossom
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #38, May 2017
Unicorn Whale The Narwhal
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Conan Viking Helmet & Beard Set Child
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Conan Viking Helmet & Beard Set Adult
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Cotton Candy Pom Pom Rug
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
My First Knitted Cowl
Em and Coco Lee Blog
Maritime Coast Cardigan
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #35, February 2017
Belle's Beautiful Cowl
Em and Coco Lee Blog
Geometric Garden Throw
Pattern Pack Pro | 29 | February 2017 | Blankets
Pinwheel Tiles Blanket
Pattern Pack Pro | 29 | February 2017 | Blankets
Butterfly Kiss Gloves
Pattern Pack Pro | 28 | January 2017 | Fingerless Gloves
Newborn Fox
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #33, December 2016
  • Newborn Fox
  • Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #33, December 2016
Emma-Noel Elf Hat
12 Patterns of Christmas
Bonafide Bow Tie
CoCo Crochet Lee
Boots The Hedgehog
Happily Hooked Magazine, Issue #31, October 2016
Pajama Reindeer
CoCo Crochet Lee
Rainbow Baby Pineapple
The Pattern Pack | 25 | October 2016 | Babies and Toddlers
Shawlshank Redemption Shawl
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Gingerbread Friends
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Summer Mix Tape Pillow
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Newborn Giraffe
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Zombie Darth Vader
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Ziggy Stardust Headband
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Caitlin Headband
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Textured Yoda Hat
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Toopy the Mouse
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Cutie Pie Tea Cup
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Emma-Noel Mermaid Tail
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Ginger and Molly Kitty
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Peppermint Slippers
CoCo Crochet Lee
Anything Slippers
CoCo Crochet Lee
Neapolitan Sweetie Headband and Cowl
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Buzz Lightyear Helmet Hat
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Predator Doll
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Khal Drogo Doll
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Coraline Doll
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Snowth doll
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Freddy Krueger Doll
Lee Sartori's Ravelry Store
Arlene Cardi
I Like Crochet magazine website
Midsummer Nexus Lace Poncho
Crochet! Magazine, Autumn 2020
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