Lion Brand Yarn
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Berry Bloom Hat and Scarf Lion Brand Yarn website January 2009 32 401
Berry Bright / Blazing Ripple Throw Lion Brand Yarn website March 2010 51 530
Berry Bright Knit Shawl Lion Brand Yarn website November 2010 4 100
Berry Compote Scarf Lion Brand Yarn website January 2009 25 226
Berry Parfait Shawl Lion Brand Yarn website October 2010 6 221
Berry Patch Socks #1095AD Lion Brand Yarn website January 2002 10 72
Berry Ridge / Easy Warmth Hat and Scarf (Hat) Lion Brand Yarn website November 2009 2 79
Berry Ridge / Easy Warmth Hat and Scarf (Scarf) Lion Brand Yarn website November 2009 3 41
Berry Sparkle Scarf Lion Brand Yarn website October 2010 9 172
Berry-Stitch Capelet Lion Brand Yarn website January 2005 6 605
Best Buddies Soft Toys Lion Brand Yarn website January 2005 12 244
Best Friend Bear Lion Brand Yarn website January 2011 10 204
Bethel Woods Cardigan Lion Brand Yarn website December 2009 38 686
Bette Hat Lion Brand Yarn website December 2010 8 166
Bi-Color Scarf Lion Brand Yarn website January 2005 4 12
Bi-Color Skinny Scarf (crochet) Lion Brand Yarn website January 2005 12
Bi-Color Skinny Scarf (knit) Lion Brand Yarn website January 2005 5
Bi-colored Hat & Scarf Lion Brand Yarn #95902, Chenille Thick & Quick: 8 Quick & Easy Crochet Projects January 2008 6 5
Bianca Top L80190 Lion Brand Yarn website January 2018 1 54
Bias Knit Hooded Jacket #L20021 Lion Brand Yarn website August 2013 7 242
Bias Knit Scarf #40286 Lion Brand Yarn website January 2003 141 184
Bias Knit Scarf #khs-biasKnitScarf Internet Archive (Wayback Machine) January 2003 5
Bias Scarf (Crochet) Lion Brand Yarn website January 2003 5 25
Bias Stripe Hat & Scarf (Hat) Lion Brand Yarn website January 2008 1 28
Bias Stripe Hat & Scarf (Scarf) Lion Brand Yarn website January 2008 8 81