Mari-Liis Hirv
Mari-Liis Hirv
My goal for PatternDuchess is to make seemingly complicated knitting techniques as simple as possible and give people the necessary confidence to try even the most challenging knitting projects.
I was taught to knit when I was 4 or 5 by my lovely grandmother. It’s been 30+ years now and knitting with granny is my fondest memory of my childhood.
Granny often used to say to me, that knitting should be an interesting and fulfilling experience. Not dull or frustrating. You shouldn’t want to cry and scratch your hair out.
Knitting lace and cables are my things…
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2-in-1 Boot Cuffs With Buttons And Lace
Pattern Duchess
Pattern Duchess
- 2-in-1 Boot Cuffs With Buttons And Lace
- Pattern Duchess
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