Mari Muinonen / tikru

Mari Muinonen / tikru

My username is tikru and my website is MadeByMyself.
You can also find it from the Facebook.

I love yarn and knitting. Cables and wool for me, thanks. I like to try various ways to do and knit.
I also feel and knit. Knitting is one way to relax…or then not :)

I have Man and Son. Both taller than me, and I’m not small either. So when I knit, I do not knit tiny-way.

original designs

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Haruha Scarf
Tikru's Ravelry Store
Omppu Huivi / Scarf
Tikru's Ravelry Store
Green Day
Ulla 3/06
Piglet bag - Nasu-kassi
MadeByMyself (blog)
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