Rhonda White
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
California Cloth Knitting Knonsense August 2004 37 114
Cherry Blossom OkinawaOtterKnits Shop May 2007 5 56
Citrus Slices Tawashi OkinawaOtterKnits Shop February 2008 31 605
Colorado Cloth Knitting Knonsense September 2004 10 29
Connecticut Cloth Knitting Knonsense September 2004 11 29
D Dishcloth Knitting Knonsense 88 241
Delaware Cloth Knitting Knonsense September 2004 3 10
Dogwood OkinawaOtterKnits Shop May 2007 5 51
Dolly the Dolphin Dishcloth Knitting Knonsense 82 172
Dougie the Doggie/ Dog Cloth Knitting Knonsense January 2005 111 572
DW Darrell Waltrip Dishcloth Knitting Knonsense 1927 3611
E Cloth Knitting Knonsense January 2005 108 303
Easter Egg Cloth OkinawaOtterKnits Shop January 2006 4 25
no photo
Easter Egg Cloth 2 OkinawaOtterKnits Shop January 2006 3 32
Eight is ALMOST enough Knitting Knonsense 4 8
Eleanor the Elephant Knitting Knonsense January 2005 60 210
England Cloth Knitting Knonsense 4 9
F Cloth Knitting Knonsense 28 99
Florida Cloth Knitting Knonsense 49 100
Flower Cloth Knitting Knonsense 210 992
Four on the Floor Dishcloth OkinawaOtterKnits Shop 3 6
Four Square Knitting Knonsense 5 8
Fresh Veggie Scrubbers 2008 Dishcloth Hangups Calendar September 2007 3 74
G Cloth Knitting Knonsense 60 173
Georgia Cloth Knitting Knonsense 17 48