Rhonda White
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
North Dakota Washcloth Knitting Knonsense October 2007 5 25
Nova Scotia Cloth Knitting Knonsense 4 37
O Dishcloth Knitting Knonsense 23 70
Ohio Cloth Knitting Knonsense August 2004 29 89
Ojo de Dios Tawashi Knitting Knonsense January 2008 10 138
Oklahoma Cloth Knitting Knonsense January 2004 8 35
One is the Loneliest Number Knitting Knonsense 12 15
Ontario Cloth Knitting Knonsense September 2004 9 16
Oregon Cloth Knitting Knonsense September 2004 11 51
P Cloth Knitting Knonsense 51 84
Paradise Bath Mitt Leisure Arts #4494, Spa & Bath Sets to Knit June 2006 4 11
Paradise Facecloth Leisure Arts #4494, Spa & Bath Sets to Knit June 2006 8 11
Paradise Soap Sack Leisure Arts #4494, Spa & Bath Sets to Knit June 2006 3 4
Paw Print Cloth Knitting Knonsense January 2005 412 2091
Pear Cloth Knitting Knonsense 56 291
Pennsylvania Cloth Knitting Knonsense November 2004 12 49
no photo
Pineapple Tawashi OkinawaOtterKnits Shop March 2008 1 56
no photo
Potted Tulip Cloth OkinawaOtterKnits Shop January 2006 1 15
Q Cloth Knitting Knonsense 14 47
R Cloth Knitting Knonsense January 2005 86 316
Refresh Bath Mitt Leisure Arts #4494, Spa & Bath Sets to Knit January 2006 4 1
Refresh Washcloth Leisure Arts #4494, Spa & Bath Sets to Knit January 2006 7
Rejuvenate Bath Mitt Leisure Arts #4494, Spa & Bath Sets to Knit January 2006 1 10
Rejuvenate Facecloth Leisure Arts #4494, Spa & Bath Sets to Knit January 2006 7 20
no photo
Rhode Island Cloth Knitting Knonsense September 2004 14