Sandra Magazine
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
# 19 Sweater with Cables Sandra 07/1993 July 1993 1 13
# 19 Sweater with Coloured Stripes Sandra SH 3/1995: Maschenhits May 1995 14
# 19 Sweater with Diamonds Sandra 11/1989 November 1989 7
# 19 Sweater with Squares Sandra 05/1995 May 1995 1 8
# 19/20 Sweaters with Diamond Patterns Sandra 08/1990 August 1990 9
# 20 Copper Sweater Sandra 11/1989 November 1989 3
# 20 Dolly Zigzags Sandra 04/1991 April 1991 6
no photo
# 20 Dunkelblaue Jacke Sandra SH 6/1989: Große Größen June 1989
# 20 Grauer Pullover mit Streifen Sandra 06/1996 June 1996 15
no photo
# 20 Mohairpullover mit Rhomben Sandra 01/1988 January 1988
# 20 Pull avec rayures verticales et horizontales Sandra 11/1993 November 1993 12
# 20 Pull beige avec mohair Sandra 08/1987 August 1987 23
# 20 Pull blanc et beige Sandra 03/1990 March 1990 17
# 20 Pull bleu clair Sandra 01/1992 January 1992 17
# 20 Pull couleur lilas Sandra 12/1993 December 1993 1
# 20 Pull écru Sandra 03/1994 March 1994 4
# 20 Pull en Mohair avec losanges Sandra 01/1988 April 1988 5
# 20 Pull jaune Sandra 11/1994 November 1994 4
# 20 Pull ochre à torsades Sandra 12/1988 December 1988 6
# 20 Pull point de riz avec motifs ajourés Sandra 08/1989 August 1989 8
# 20 Pull pour elle Sandra 09/1993 September 1993 36
# 20 Pull rouge chiné Sandra 04/1995 April 1995 1
# 20 Pull turquoise Sandra 03/1987 March 1987 14
# 20 Pull vert clair Sandra 08/1992 August 1992 5
# 20 Pull vert clair Sandra 02/1996 February 1996 1