Sandra Magazine
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
# 25 Pull gris clair Sandra 12/1988 December 1988 7
# 25 Pull gris en ruban Sandra 03/1996 March 1996 5
# 25 Pull rouge chiné Sandra 03/1988 March 1988 3
# 25 Pull vert-turquoise chiné Sandra 04/1987 April 1987 10
# 25 Pullover mit Quadraten Sandra 01/1996 January 1996 16
no photo
# 25 Pullover mit Zöpfen Sandra 12/1994 December 1994
# 25 Raglan Sweater Sandra 08/1995 August 1995 9
# 25 Slipover in Ecru Sandra 07/1995 July 1995 8
# 25 Sweater in Brown Sandra 08/1990 August 1990 5
# 25 Sweater with Striped Yoke Sandra 11/1987 November 1987 17
# 25a Sweater with Cables Sandra 12/1994 December 1994 3
no photo
# 26 Damenpullover mit Lochmuster Sandra 04/1988 April 1988
# 26 Ecru Sweater Sandra 07/1995 July 1995 1
# 26 Grey Sweater Sandra 08/1990 August 1990 4
no photo
# 26 Lochmusterjacke Sandra 05/1991 May 1991
# 26 Pull à jours et à vagues Sandra 05/1988 May 1988 4
# 26 Pull couleur bruyère Sandra 12/1988 December 1988 4
# 26 Pull couleur pêche Sandra 07/1988 July 1988 2
# 26 Pull couleur rouille Sandra 03/1990 March 1990 8
# 26 Pullover mit Lochmusterstreifen Sandra 06/1996 June 1996 6
no photo
# 26 Pullover mit Pferdekopf Sandra SP 3/1990: Kinderpullis August 1990
# 26 Striped Sweater Sandra 07/1989 July 1989 1 21
# 26 Sweater in Sand Sandra 01/1995 January 1995 1 8
# 26/27 Pull à frises en jacquard Sandra 06/1988 June 1988 16
# 26a) Pull au point ajouré Sandra 04/1988 April 1988 8