Sarah Schira

Sarah Schira

Imagined Landscapes logo

Passionate about staying stylishly warm
Inspired by the landscapes I travel through

I’m a Canadian knitter. Designer. Cyclist. Board Game Enthusiast. Anne of Green Gables fan.

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✨Curious about The Year of Gnomes 2025? Read more here!

✨Buy 3, Get 1 FREE! Place any 4 of my designs in your cart and the least expensive one will be free (including e-books), no coupon needed!

original designs

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Sunflower Dreams Shawl
Dreamscapes Shawl Collection
ADVENTure Gnome
Imagined Landscapes
Skyline Dreams
Dreamscapes Shawl Collection
Cobblestone Dreams Shawl
Dreamscapes Shawl Collection
Harvest Dreams Wrap
Dreamscapes Shawl Collection
Nice to Gnome You
Imagined Landscapes
Never Gnaked Gnomes
Imagined Landscapes
Zip Zag Cowl
Imagined Landscapes
Brimmish Light
Imagined Landscapes
Cuffish Mittens
Imagined Landscapes
Flight Delay
Imagined Landscapes
Gno Fun Like Gnome Fun
Imagined Landscapes
Prairie Valley Shawl
Imagined Landscapes
Oh, Gnome, You Didn't
Imagined Landscapes
Gradient Drift
Imagined Landscapes
Gnome De Plume
Imagined Landscapes
Fab Five Mittens
Fab Five Set
Fab Five Cowl
Fab Five Set
Fab Five Hat
Fab Five Set
Gnome Pun Intended
Imagined Landscapes
Go Big or Go Gnome Hat
Imagined Landscapes
Go Big or Go Gnome Mittens
Knitty, Winter 2018
Imagined Landscapes
G'night Cap
Imagined Landscapes
Here We Gnome Again
Imagined Landscapes
Simple Mojo
Imagined Landscapes
Fool For All Seasons
Knitty, First Fall 2018
Study Hall Shawl
Knitty, First Fall 2018
Mammatus Cowl
Imagined Landscapes
Photo Shoot Wrist Warmers
Indigodragonfly Smart-Ass Knitters/World Domination Club 8
Photo Shoot Cowl
Indigodragonfly Smart-Ass Knitters/World Domination Club 8
Pinstripe Mitts
Imagined Landscapes
Tripod Hat
Imagined Landscapes
Winter Bright Hat
Imagined Landscapes
River Crest Cowl
The +1 Pop Collection
Brown Paper Packages
Imagined Landscapes
Little Bit Nostalgic
Imagined Landscapes
Street Art Cowl
Imagined Landscapes
Telephone Poles
The +1 Pop Collection
Blueberry Brioche Cowl
The +1 Pop Collection
Never Not Gnoming
Imagined Landscapes
Luna Sol Wrap
Imagined Landscapes
Pomball: Pop
The +1 Pop Collection
Curvature of the Earth Cowl
The +1 Pop Collection
Ancyra Cowl
Knitty, First Fall 2017
Persian Windows Hat
The +1 Pop Collection
Thundersnow Hat
Imagined Landscapes
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