Heartstrings Cardigan by Arvilla Trag, Katmandu Kreations

Heartstrings Cardigan

July 2014
Interlcements Yarns Scintillate
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
5 stitches and 8 rows = 1 inch
in modified half linen
US 10 - 6.0 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
1500 - 1700 yards (1372 - 1554 m)
36" - 40" (42" - 46") (48" - 50")
This pattern is available for $6.00 USD buy it now

Knitted cuff-to-cuff, this cardi uses three colorways to create a shaded/striped look.

  • An added advantage to cuff-to-cuff sweaters: they tend to be a better fit for well-endowed women

The modified half linen stitch works up FAST. WS rows you p1, sl1 wyib; RS rows you knit. Slipped sts are alternated each WS row. The skein of Scintillate will have quite a bit left over; I am designing a pattern that will take advantae of that fact.

If you wish to use different colorways, try to keep one color in A the same as one color in B, and a different color in B the same as a color in C. That is how I got the blend/contrast with the colorways I used.

For some reason the photos didn’t fit properly in the boxes for this page, so I have duplicated them to show the lower part of the cardi.