Jolly Santa Afghan and Pillow PA139 by Maggie Weldon

Jolly Santa Afghan and Pillow PA139

Worsted (9 wpi) ?
single crochet (US)
5.5 mm (I)
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Capture the spirit of the Christmas holiday with this festive “Jolly Santa” Afghan & Pillow. Sixteen squares are worked separately with a distinctive candy cane border.

Size: Afghan 48” wide x 63 “ long; Pillow 14” wide x 19” tall

Materials Needed: Worsted Weight Yarn - 26 oz (1500 yds) Green; 16 oz (750 yds) White; 3½ oz (200 yds) Pink; 7 oz (400 yds) Red

Gauge: Each Square = 12-1/2”; wide x 15-1/2”