Textured Newsboy by Gene Saunders

Textured Newsboy

January 2015
Aran (8 wpi) ?
see notes
5.0 mm (H)
6.5 mm (K)
200 - 230 yards (183 - 210 m)
Adult Small and Adult Large
This pattern is available for $3.25 USD buy it now

Crochet Dad’s children, grandchildren, and wife are sad to announce the passing of Crochet Dad (Gene) on January 3, 2022. We wanted to keep his patterns available for you to use to make beautiful creations for your loved ones--like the ones all of us treasure. Please know that we will not be able to provide support for these patterns, should you have questions. If you do make something with one of his patterns and post it to social media please use the #crochetdad hashtag to share with us.

A heavily textured stitch pattern with a firm brim. The brim is firm even though only one strand of yarn is used - there is no filler. A special stitch is used (explained in the pattern) for the brim.

Gauge measurement at the end of round 4 is 4½ inches

The crochet technique ‘slip stitch crochet’ is used in the brim to provide a stretchy fabric for the band of the hat.