Catherine Knutsson

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
To celebrate the release of this pattern, please enjoy 20% off until May 20, 2024 - no coupon code required!
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The Rainfall shawl is an asymmetrical shawl pattern that uses a simple stitch pattern to big effect! It’s knit with the wonderfully squishy Bunting DK, a 100% Falkland Island Corriedale 4 ply yarn that is stocked by Beehive Wool Shop. This shawl was designed for the April 2023 Small Bird Workshop pop-up at Beehive Wool Shop! And, they’ve got ki...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Use the coupon code “starfall” for 20% off this pattern - good until May 2, 2023!
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Whirlwind is a bottom-up, close-fitting unisex toque with a twisting cable pattern that winds its way around the hat. Its design was inspired by the way the wind sends autumn leaves spinning, and it’s the perfect sort of hat for a perfect sort of walk on a perfect autumn day.
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
The Carmanah socks are toe-up socks that use short rows to shape the heel turn. The socks feature an interesting stitch pattern that includes a double stitch, a bit of ribbing, a few slipped stitches, and a simple cross than can be worked with or without a cable needle. While this pattern is written for double point needles, it can easily be co...
Knitting: Cowl
All sales of this pattern will go directly to the Go Fund Me set up for Hanahile Biese and her family.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
I needed a hat. I wanted it to be light weight yet warm, and if it used up some of the leftover sock yarn I had kicking around, so much the better! So, I turned to one of my favourite stitch patterns, the cross stitch, because I haven’t found a yarn that doesn’t work with it, and the result? Twinkle!
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Wassail, wassail all over the town…
Knitting: Fingerless Gloves
A fun little set of mitts to accompany you on your holiday adventures! The Wassail Mitts feature some lovely twisted cables that can be worked with or without a cable needle, and an arched gusset for a great fit. With these on your yarns, you can wassail all over town, no matter the weather!
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Delicate and sweet-scented, the freesia symbolizes friendship and trust. The flower was named after one botanist (Friedrich H.T. Freese) by another (Christian P. Ecklon) as a tribute to their friendship. This top-down, triangular shawl was inspired by these beautiful blooms, and uses an unusual lace pattern for the body and a simpler lacework p...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
This shawl started with the yarn: I saw Crooked Kitchen Yarn’s Toxic Moxie colourway and immediately thought of an orchard, with glossy red and green apples, crimson pears, and fallen leaves dotted with brown and black, a sign that winter isn’t far off. This pattern is worked from end to end, alternating sections of garter stitch and Irish mesh...
Knitting: Shrug / Bolero
Here on Vancouver Island, arbutus trees are everywhere. They shed their bark all summer long, and in the fall, robins flock to them, feasting on the ruby red berries. They’re a tough tree, choosing poor sandy soil over the rich loam of the west coast rain forest, perching on rocky outcrops, leaning towards the ocean. Both the colour of this yar...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Inspired by Ralph Vaughn William’s work for solo violin and orchestra of the same name, The Lark Ascending shawl features delicate knitted lace that reminds me of bird wings. The lace is worked on both the right and wrong sides of the shawl, making it an interesting project for intermediate knitters. The sample shawl is a size small and was wor...
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
The Shooting Star Socks feature a fun cross-stitch pattern that’s fantastic for variegated yarns, but looks great in tonals and solids, too. While this pattern is written for double point needles, it can easily be converted to whatever needles you like to use for your socks - small circumference circulars, Magic Loop, or two circular needles.
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
The Licorice Twist socks are worked from the toe up and use short rows to shape the heel turn. The sock features a simple twisted stitch pattern that can be worked with or without a cable needle, and includes instructions for a regular or reinforced toe, and a reinforced heel turn.
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
Welcome spring with the Apple Blossom Toe-Up Socks! A neat little Estonian button pattern blooms across the front of these socks, while the sole and back of the leg are in stockinette stitch. Add in a rounded toe, a short row heel turn, and a heel flap that doesn’t require picking up stitches, and these socks will be ready before you say “April...
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
The Stargazer socks are cuff-down socks that feature a fun cross-stitch pattern that’s fantastic for variegated yarns, but looks great in tonals and solids, too. While this pattern is written for double point needles, it can easily be converted to whatever needles you like to use for your socks - small circumference circulars, Magic Loop, or tw...
Knitting: Cowl
The Wintergreen Cowl is worked in the round from the bottom up. It features a simple cable stitch pattern that twists its way around the cowl. This pattern is easily adapted to other yarn weights – simply swatch for gauge, and then multiple the gauge per inch by the desired circumference and ensure that number is divisible by six. Adjust as nec...
Knitting: Mid-calf Socks
The Stargazer socks are toe-up socks that use short rows to shape the heel turn. The sock features a fun cross-stitch pattern that’s fantastic for variegated yarns, but looks great in tonals and solids, too. While this pattern is written for double point needles, it can easily be converted to whatever needles you like to use for your socks - sm...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Every November, on the eleventh day at the eleventh hour, people throughout the world gather at memorials and cenotaphs to honour the fallen. This shawl design is my small way of thanking those who have given the greatest sacrifice, and as such, all proceeds from the sale of this shawl pattern will go to the Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Fund. Fu...
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
The Thicket Toque is a unisex, close fitting hat which uses a twisted stitch pattern inspired by the twist and tumble of blackberry vines. It’s the perfect sort of hat for a long walk on a chilly autumn day! The pattern includes both charts and line-by-line written instructions, as well as instructions for working the stitch pattern with and wi...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
In the language of flowers, the Windflower, also known as the Anemone, brings with it mixed messages. Some used it to convey anticipation or protection from illness. Some believed it represented the bittersweet notions of dying hope and forgotten love. But, whatever its meaning, the windflower is a beautiful bloom, opening in the morning and cl...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Just outside my office window is a mature blue spruce. When I’m working, I often pause to look at it - not only because it’s beautiful, but because a family of house finches have nested here, and I see them all the time, popping in and out to feed their chicks. The finches aren’t the only birds to frequent the spruce, though. Just a moment ago,...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
On the longest day of the year, people all over the world gather to celebrate. This tradition has taken place since ancient times, and even now, people flock to the great solar temples of the ancient world to mark the occassion: Karnak in Egypt, Giants’ Churches in Finland, Newgrange in Ireland, Casa Malpais in the United States, and perhaps th...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Take Me to the Sea is a crescent-shaped shawl designed to showcase variegated and hand-painted yarns (especially those with short colour repeats). The body of this shawl is worked in a risotto stitch, and the anemone-stitch border is edged by Vikkel braids. This shawl knits up quickly, and was inspired by my good friend Shari Green’s colouring ...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Winter has set in, and the first frosts have arrived. Food is scarce, so birds turn to the briar, where rose hips have been sugared with frost and the last of the blackberries hide amidst purple winter leaves.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
The environment above the tree line is harsh. Snow covers the landscape most of the year, but after the thaw, beneath the shade of the scrub pines, are lichen and moss, tiny wild flowers, mushrooms, fungi. The palette here is unlike any other: the silver of reindeer lichen, the marigold orange of rock fungi, the spongy greenness of liverwort an...
Knitting: Cowl
ver·di·gris (ˈvərdəˌɡrēs/)
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The night is clear. Wood has been gathered and stacked. Hearth fires have been doused, and windows and doors have been strewn with garlands of flowers and greenery. The cattle have been gathered and are lowing in their corrals. All are waiting for the Beltaine fires to be lit.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The winter solstice - the longest night of the year. The hearth is decorated with holly and evergreens, and the house smells of gingerbread and pine. The Yule log crackles in the fireplace while frost leaves its filigree over the window panes. The longest night of the year, Draw the Frost of Yule shawl a little closer, light a candle, and think...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
It can be felt long before it arrives. The sky grows dark, like a bruise, and the air is hushed, waiting. Then, in the distance, a rumble, just as the full moon begins to rise, peeking above the horizon for a brief moment before being swallowed by the storm: Thunder Moon.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap, Scarf
There are songs about it. There are sayings about it, too, but astronomically and astrologically speaking, the blue moon isn’t all that special. It only became special when cultures converted from a lunar-based calendar to our modern solar-based calendar. And yet, the blue moon somehow captures our imagination. Maybe it’s because we like the id...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
There are songs about it. There are sayings about it, too, but astronomically and astrologically speaking, the blue moon isn’t all that special. It only became special when cultures converted from a lunar-based calendar to our modern solar-based calendar. And yet, the blue moon somehow captures our imagination. Maybe it’s because we like the id...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
It is the dark of the moon. Mist curls up from the earth, stretching towards bare tree branches that scratch at the sky. This is the time of Samhain, when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest, when goblins and spooks creep through the night, cackling into the wind.
Knitting: Cowl
On an early fall evening, when the woods are dark and a chill haunts the air, don this cozy, textured cowl and head for the fire! There’s still a little time for marshmallows and campfire songs before the cold weather arrives – and with this cowl warming your neck, maybe even after the cold weather arrives!
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
We didn’t need another cat. We already had two, both of whom were rescues, but sometimes, fate has its own ideas. I wandered onto a local cat rescue’s Facebook page in February 2016, and there she was:
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas, the festival of Lugh, the Festival of Breads, or the Festival of Harvest, occurs on August 1 or 2. This is a sun festival, where ancient peoples celebrated the sun and the coming harvest. Hearths were decorated with barley and oats, with bread and fruit, and cobs of corn. Bread was shaped into the form of the s...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
There is treasure to be found on the beach after a storm - not gold coins or messages in bottles, but little shards of glass, polished by the waves and glittering in the sun. The most common colour of sea glass is brown, but if a person is lucky enough, and studies the strand with a keen eye, she might find blue, yellow, purple, or perhaps, jus...
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Warm weather, long nights, and the great outdoors — summer is camping season, and camping means campfires! Campfire is a unisex, close fitting toque which uses a textured slip-stitch to invoke sparks rising up towards towering firs and a star-studded night sky.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The Salish Sea shawl is a crescent shaped shawl that features a wave-like lace pattern inspired by sunrise over the Salish Sea, and an arrowhead lace border. The pattern contains three sizes, with both charts and line-by-line written instructions. The dark blue shawl was knit with Robin & Wren’s Rainbird organic fingering in the Stormy Weat...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Spring fever. Twitterpated. Mad as a March hare. This is the time of Ostara, when all of nature goes a little while wild, pushing up new growth and bursting forth with colour. It’s the time of Easter eggs and spring bonnets, of meadows lush with bluebells and crocuses, and according to tradition, Ostara is a good time to plant seedlings – indoo...
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
Calico cats are special creatures. Not only are they known for their unique and often feisty personalities, but their coat reveals a little about all of us. The colour in a calico cat’s coat is due to a genetic process called X-chromosome inactivation, which (in very basic layman’s terms) determines which genetic material in our DNA is permitte...
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
The Alder tree is a good friend to make. Their catkins, which arrive early in spring, can be eaten, but also can be used to dye cloth a dark greyish-brown. The bark contains salicin, an anti-inflammatory, and was used by First Nations peoples to treat insect bites, skin irritations, and even diphtheria. Some clinical studies have also verified ...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
After a long, deep sleep, new grass slips its way above the earth, dotting the land with the brightest of green. These tiny slivers of growth are the harbingers of spring, and a sign that while the world was cloaked in snow, deep in the ground, nature was at work, readying herself to burst forth with the arrival of warm sun and fair weather. In...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
After the heat of an August day, the moon rises fat and red on the horizon. In the fields, a gentle breeze sends the wheat stirring, the ripening heads bending to pay homage to the rising moon. The Grain Moon shawl is a crescent-shaped shawl worked from the top down with a textured pattern which recreates the effect of wind rushing over wheat f...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
pet·ri·chor (ˈpeˌtrīkôr/), noun - a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Ah, summer! The sweet scent of roses drifts on the wind, and in the garden, strawberries, glossy and ripe, wait to be picked. This is the time of warm evenings and long, lazy days. In 2016, the Rose Moon falls on June 20, right before the summer solstice.
Knitting: Beanie, Toque
It is a known fact that a person never knows when he or she might be in need of a shrubbery. There are, it is rumoured, a long lost order of knights who, when encountered, demand such a thing, and will not take Ni for an answer. This hat is the solution to such an encounter. Now, when you go walking through the woods, you, or whomever is wearin...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Slowly, slowly, the snow melts away. Buds swell, and in the skies, birds make their way north. Spring is near! The Sap Moon is the time of tapping maples, of the sugar festivals, of the lengthening of days, and the surety that another winter has passed. Casts of earthworms now appear in the ground, inviting robins to make their return, and crow...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Long before the trees and flowers of the forest bud out their leaves, the bracken fern rises from the earth. Slowly, it unfurls, releasing its scroll-like head and stretching up towards the scant sunlight filtering down through the canopy of the west coast rainforest.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
In 2016, the Cold Moon occurs on December 24 - Christmas Eve! Because of this, the Cold Moon is also known as the Yule Moon, or, when it falls before Christmas, the Moon before Yule. Among some First Nations peoples, it is also known as the Full Long Nights Moon, referencing the fact this moon often falls very close to the Winter Solstice.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
There is nothing quite like the silence of a moonlit winter’s night. The world seems to stop, while in the heavens, surrounded by a halo of iridescent light, the moon watches on. The Snow Moon is a time of stillness, a time of waiting, and in the days when people lived closer to the land, a time of worry - would the supplies laid away in autumn...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Wolf Moon is one of several names for the full moon that occurs on January 1, 2018. It’s sometimes referred to as the Old Moon, or the Moon after Yule, or more ominously, the Hunger Moon. Wolf Moon is a crescent-shaped shawl featuring a geometric lace pattern inspired by wolf tracks crisscrossing a snow-covered field. It is edged with a ribbed ...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
The Northern Lights shawl is crescent-shaped and designed to showcase variegated, hand-dyed yarns. The body is created with a reverse cross stitch, and the border is an undulating lace pattern, inspired by the shimmering lights of the aurora borealis.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Leaves are falling. The harvest is done. The seasons are turning, and soon snow will cover the land. Now is the time to hunt and prepare for winter.
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Wild Geese Across the Moon is a large crescent-shaped shawl worked from the top down. It features three different arrowhead lace patterns, and a 2 stitch picot bind-off border. The patterns of Wild Geese Across the Moon were inspired by a poem of the same title by Muriel Stuart, and are meant to invoke flocks of geese making their way south for...
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
Enjoy 25% off this pattern until October 31, 2022!
Knitting: Shawl / Wrap
After the heat of a late summer day, the Harvest Moon rises fat and red over fields of ripening wheat. This the busiest time of the year for farmers, for the light of the Harvest Moon is unusually bright, allowing workers to toil late into the night to ensure all the harvest is in before October’s frost.