Amy Kenagy
After taking leave of my teaching career to be at home with my boys, I started knitting in 2008 and I quickly became a lover of natural fibers. I took up spinning soon after. I definitely consider myself addicted. I started designing when I couldn’t find quite the right pattern for what I was envisioning and it has taken me to some fun places. Now I get to feed my addiction by teaching knitting classes and doing sample knits and technical editing for designers. Anything to keep my fingers in the craft! I hope you enjoy my designs and keep coming back for more. If you fall in love with a free pattern, please consider making a donation to the March of Dimes in memory of my first son, Samuel Hunter Kenagy, who died shortly after birth in 2006. I am always open to feedback and enjoy helping you get the most out of my patterns, so feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.