Anna Schumacker
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Cable-stitch Sweater The Columbia Book of Yarns, Eighth Edition 1907 2 233
Child's Norfolk Jacket The Columbia Book of Yarns, Ninth Edition 1907 14
Child's Russian Blouse Jacket The Columbia Book of Yarns, Eighth Edition 1907 41
Circular Shawl The Columbia Book of Yarns, Eighth Edition 1907 123
Columbia Baby Cap Filet Columbia Cottons Manual of Crocheting Infant's and Children's Caps 1915 18
Columbia Baby Cap Medallion Design (Age 6 months) Columbia Cottons Manual of Crocheting Infant's and Children's Caps 1915 19
Columbia Boy's Cap (Age 2-3 years) Columbia Cottons Manual of Crocheting Infant's and Children's Caps 1915 9
Columbia Child's Cap in Baby Irish Columbia Cottons Manual of Crocheting Infant's and Children's Caps 1915 11
Columbia Child's Cap Irish Crochet with Fan Columbia Cottons Manual of Crocheting Infant's and Children's Caps 1915 20
Columbia Child's Cap Pinwheel Columbia Cottons Manual of Crocheting Infant's and Children's Caps 1915 13
Columbia Childs Cap Conventional Design Age 1 year Columbia Cottons Manual of Crocheting Infant's and Children's Caps 1915 5
Columbia Eight-Pointed Shawl The Columbia Book of Yarns, Eighth Edition 1907 99
Columbia Girl's Dutch Cap (Age 3-4 years) Columbia Cottons Manual of Crocheting Infant's and Children's Caps 1915 15
Columbia Infant's Cap Columbia Cottons Manual of Crocheting Infant's and Children's Caps 1915 7
Columbia Infant's Cap Columbia Cottons Manual of Crocheting Infant's and Children's Caps 1915 23
Columbia Infant's Cap Irish Crochet Columbia Cottons Manual of Crocheting Infant's and Children's Caps 1915 8
Columbia Infant's Cap Pineapple Columbia Cottons Manual of Crocheting Infant's and Children's Caps 1915 15
Columbia Infant's Cap Spider Columbia Cottons Manual of Crocheting Infant's and Children's Caps 1915 13
Columbia Infant's Cap Star Pattern (Age 6 months) Columbia Cottons Manual of Crocheting Infant's and Children's Caps 1915 11
Columbia Knitted Shawl No. 2 The Columbia Book of Yarns, Sixteenth Edition 1915 2 113
Columbia La Belle Cape with Yoke The Columbia Book of Yarns, Eighth Edition 1907 107
Columbia Opera Cape The Columbia Book of the Use of Yarns, Fifth Edition 1904 110
Columbia Sweater The Columbia Book of the Use of Yarns, Fifth Edition February 1904 5 205
Crocheted Vest The Columbia Book of Yarns, Eighth Edition 1907 128
Infant's Crocheted Hood The Columbia Book of Yarns, Eighth Edition 1907 3 246