Columbia Baby Cap Filet by Anna Schumacker

Columbia Baby Cap Filet

January 1915
Columbia Mercerized Crochet No. 30
Thread ?
1.4 mm
This pattern is available for free.

Age 6 months

No gauge, yardage is 1 ball of Columbia Mercerized Crochet (Art. 200) No. 30

Columbia Steel Crochet Hook, No. 9

CH - Chain
Sl. St - Slip stitch
Sg. C. - Single crochet
D. C. - Double crochet
H. Tr. - Half treble
Tr. - Treble crochet
P. - Picot
M. - Mesh
* - Means that the directions given between these are to be repeated.

Half Treble (H. Tr.) this term was used where the thread was would around hook two, three, or more times, and worked off by 2 at a time, retaining last stitch on needle until all the half treble were made and worked off in the last stitch. (see pgs 4-5 First stitches cotton crocheting)
Picot (P.) make a chain of 3 or more stitches as indicated in directions, insert hook into first chain stitch made, and work off as single crochet.
Mesh (M.) used in filet crochet, chain 2 stitches, skip 2 stitches, 1 D.C. into next stitch.