Art EC

Art EC
You can find me on Facebook and Instagram.
Hi! That’s me, Ele.
I am a young stay-at-home mother with a taste for scandi style and a desire to be creative in many ways.
I am proficient in languages (French and English) and, when I am not crocheting, I provide translation services through well-known freelancing platforms.
Along my journey I developed a YouTube channel, supplying great content covering glass painting and yarn crafts. I can describe myself as an organized, precise woman. My friends tell me I am a sunny girl, with a taste for the simple happy things in life.
If you are like me, you are a paper person (I love writing my schedules on cute printables) and enjoy fur babies like rabbits for the cuteness they spread around.
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Scrap Granny Square Blanket
Creazioni Art EC Website
Creazioni Art EC Website

- Scrap Granny Square Blanket
- Creazioni Art EC Website
Cancun Top - My version
creazioniartec at wordpress
creazioniartec at wordpress

- Cancun Top - My version
- creazioniartec at wordpress
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