Bethany Hick
Bethany Hick
Elven Royalty Cloak
The Fellowship of the Knits: The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Knitting Book
The Fellowship of the Knits: The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Knitting Book
- Elven Royalty Cloak
- The Fellowship of the Knits: The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Knitting Book
Harrisville Designs, Autumn 2014
Harrisville Designs, Autumn 2014
- MERRIMACK Pullover
- Harrisville Designs, Autumn 2014
The Gray Lady's Cloak
The Unofficial Harry Potter Knits
The Unofficial Harry Potter Knits
- The Gray Lady's Cloak
- The Unofficial Harry Potter Knits
Anne Elliot's Fichu
Jane Austen Knits, Summer 2012
Jane Austen Knits, Summer 2012
- Anne Elliot's Fichu
- Jane Austen Knits, Summer 2012