Cindy Koepke
I’m a long-time knitter. I mostly use DK, worsted, and bulky yarns. I’m currently into square and rectangle things, bags, mittens, and hats. I enjoy making shawls and blankets for the shawl ministry program at my UU congregation and items for Afghans for Afghans. That makes me sound like a super-fast knitter, but I’m really not.
The best LYS in the galaxy is The Sow’s Ear in Verona, Wisconsin. I have lots of other interests such as reading, gardening, writing, food, and dabbling in other textile crafts. I love reading about fiber arts as much as I love doing them! I enjoyed machine knitting for about 10 years until I got completely distracted by spinning. I have a bunch of hand spindles and a Louet wheel. I want to learn to spin art yarn one of these years!
Knitcircus Magazine, Issue #4, October 2008

- Great Pumpkin Sweater
- Knitcircus Magazine, Issue #4, October 2008