Cosette Cornelius-Bates
Cosette Cornelius-Bates
Most of my designs grow out of my every day life of making things for people I love.
Fiber arts, growing stuff, cooking, momming, pgh
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Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
- Benny
- Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
- Irisa
- Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
- Rivers
- Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
- Katherine
- Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
- Tulpen
- Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
- Xavier
- Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
- Althea
- Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
- Hazel
- Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
- Annika
- Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
- Henry
- Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
- Wendell
- Steeltown Sweaters: Scrappy worsted knits for little pierogis
Knit the Bridge Hat
Knit The Bridge - the patterns
Knit The Bridge - the patterns
- Knit the Bridge Hat
- Knit The Bridge - the patterns
Ice Skating Cape
My Grandmother's Knitting: Family Stories and Inspired Knits from Top Designers
My Grandmother's Knitting: Family Stories and Inspired Knits from Top Designers
- Ice Skating Cape
- My Grandmother's Knitting: Family Stories and Inspired Knits from Top Designers
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