Elizabeth Strube

Elizabeth Strube

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Elizabeth Strube, age 26, was 9 years old when her grandma taught her how to crochet - and she’s been writing patterns and making custom creations ever since. When she was a little girl her favorite thing to do was crochet clothes for her sister’s dolls and make toys for her dogs. These days she is hooked on knitting socks and sweaters. Aside from fiber arts, she loves to hike, dirtbike, snowboard, bake, and practice yoga. A published author, accomplished musician, and certified crochet and knitting instructor, she works as an administrator in the aviation industry. She and her husband reside in the mountains of Northern Idaho with their dog and two cats.

original designs

Mom's Christmas Headband
The Whistling Rooster Homestead Online Store
Sock Knitting Tables
Elizabeth Strube's Ravelry Store
KnitKnit Anniversary Socks
Elizabeth Strube's Ravelry Store
Elizabeth Strube's Ravelry Store
Men's Socks on a 9" Circular
Elizabeth Strube's Ravelry Store
Simple Socks on a 9" Circular
Elizabeth Strube's Ravelry Store
9" Circular Sock Knitting Workshop
The Whistling Rooster Homestead Online Store
Foxy Sox
Elizabeth Strube's Ravelry Store
  • Foxy Sox
  • Elizabeth Strube's Ravelry Store